Sunday 09 February 2025, 09:30am
Contact Club Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
9th - Sunday, 10.00am DTL
Practice DTL 9.30am
50t Dunny DB Ch/Ship AA-A-B-C
50t Lake Albert Caravan Park Single Barrel
Championship AA-A-B-C
50t South West Freight Handicap
Overall sash, 1st – 4th place(1st-$200,2nd $150 3rd-$75,4th-$50
Back marker prize 21-25m $50
Open, Lad, Jnr & Vets High Guns
Lunch, Afternoon Tea Available
Location 32 Yarindale Road, Meningie SA, 5264
GPS Co-ordinates : S: 35° 41.644 E: 139° 20.695
President: Greg Ferguson 0404 717 644
Secretary: Renee Davy 0457794917
Overall medallions and High Gun badges Proudly Sponsored by AW & F Hill Transport. C/D = Cash Divide events 1st & 2nd
President: Greg Ferguson 0404 717 644
Secretary: Renee Davy 0457794917
Overall medallions and High Gun badges Proudly Sponsored by AW & F Hill Transport. C/D = Cash Divide events 1st & 2nd